AFF046 Pressure Losses in Pipes Teaching Equipment Educational Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment
Learning Objectives / Experiments
fundamentals of flow measurement
fundamentals of pressure measurement
determination of the friction factor for different pipe materials and diameters
resistance coefficients of pipe bends, enlargements and contractions
pressure losses and opening characteristics of valves and fittings

Technical Data
power consumption: 0,45kW
max. flow rate: 4,8m³/h
max. head: 22,6m
3 straight pipe sections, measuring length: 2,5m
copper, diameter: 28x1mm, 22x1mm
steel, diameter: 1/2"

Pipe section with pipe bend
copper, diameter: 22x1mm
Pipe section with contraction/enlargement
contraction, diameter: 18x1mm
enlargement, diameter: 28x1mm
Pipe section with valves and fittings
copper, diameter: 18x1mm
Volumetric measuring tank: 20L
Tank for water: 110L

Measuring ranges
pressure: 1...1,5bar
differential pressure:
1x 0...+/350mbar, 8x 0...1000mmWC
flow rate: 1x 400...4000L/h
Dimensions and Weight
LxWxH: 3260x790x1930mm
Weight: approx. 325kg
Required for Operation
230V, 50/60Hz, 1 phase or 120V, 60Hz/CSA, 1 phase